Worksite Wellness Awards
Vermont Employers Recognized for Efforts to Support Workers’ Wellness
MONTPELIER, VT – Employee wellness programs at worksites help prevent or reverse chronic conditions, including cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and musculoskeletal pain. They also boost camaraderie and mental wellbeing. This month, 112 Vermont employers received recognition for their employee wellness programs from the Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports and the state Department of Health.
The Vermont Governor’s Award for Excellence in Worksite Wellness was developed by the Vermont Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports more 20 years ago and presented in partnership with the Vermont Department of Health to employers across the state to create a standard of excellence for worksite wellness initiatives. These annual honors provide an opportunity for the governor and health commissioner to thank businesses and organizations for their efforts to support the health of Vermonters and make Vermont a great place to live and work.
ASIC North, Inc. received a gold award for initiatives supporting the physical and emotional wellbeing of its mostly remote workforce. Employees are invited to participate in virtual coffee hours, physical activity challenges, and holiday cheer events that encourage people to connect with their coworkers.
Central Vermont Council on Aging received a gold award for efforts to support older members of its workforce with flexible schedules and enlisting older workers to mentor newer employees. “As the Council on Aging, we believe we should be leaders in examining ways to provide flexibility and support to keep people in the workforce,” the organization’s application stated.
City Market Onion River Co-op received a silver award for its workplace wellness efforts, which uses a holistic approach to encompass employees’ social, emotional, physical, financial, and environmental wellbeing. Employees are invited to participate in a “Wellness Adventure,” filling out scorecards with healthy lifestyle activities, and earn points that can be redeemed for gift cards.
Other Vermont employers provide workers with opportunities for physical activity and stress reduction during the workday, increased access to healthy food choices, tobacco use cessation tools, financial and legal counseling services, onsite physical therapy and chiropractic care, and social events for employees and their families.
A formal ceremony for the award winners will take place on October 24 at the 2023 Worksite Wellness Awards and Conference in Burlington, hosted by the council and the health department.
Here is the full list of employers receiving the 2023 Vermont Governor’s Award for Excellence in Worksite Wellness:
ARIS Solutions
ASIC North, Inc.
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Vermont
Brattleboro Retreat
Browns River Middle School
Caledonia Central Supervisory Union
Capstone Community Action Head Start
Cathedral Square
Central Vermont Council on Aging
Champlain College
Charleston Elementary School
Chroma Technology Corp.
Clara Martin Center
Collins Aerospace
Community Care Network
Community National Bank
Co-operative Insurance Companies
Copley Hospital
Easterseals VT
Engelberth Construction, Inc.
Families First
Fisher Elementary School
Founders Memorial School Wellness Committee
Franklin County Home Health Agency
Grace Cottage Family Health & Hospital
Hartland Elementary Schol
Heritage Family Credit Union
Hickok & Boardman Insurance Group
Howard Center
Injury & Health Management Solutions Inc.
Jericho Elementary School
King Arthur Baking Company, Inc.
Lake Champlain Chocolates
Lamoille County Mental Health Services
Lamoille Health Partners
Manufacturing Solutions, Inc.
Mascoma Bank
MVP Health Care
National Life Group
New Chapter, Inc.
North Country Hospital – The Wellness Center
North Star Health
Northeast Kingdom Human Services
Northfield Savings Bank
Northwestern Counseling & Support Services, Inc.
PC Construction
ReArch Company, Inc.
Senior Solutions
Springfield Hospital
St. Michael’s College
State of Vermont
Sustainability Academy of Lawrence Barnes School
The City of Burlington, Vermont
The Richards Group
The University of Vermont
The University of Vermont Medical Center
The Vermont Country Store
Thrive Center of the Green Mountains, Inc.
Town of Brattleboro
Underhill Central School
Union Mutual
United Counseling Service
Vermont Electric Cooperative
Vermont Federal Credit Union
Vermont Gas Systems
Vermont League of Cities and Towns
Vermont Mutual Insurance Company
Vermont Public
Vermont School Boards Insurance Trust
VNA & Hospice of the Southwest Region
Waitsfield Elementary School
Washington County Mental Health Services
Winooski School District
A.N. Deringer, Inc
Aspire Living & Learning, Inc.
Bread Loaf Corporation
Burton Snowboards
Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity
City Market Onion River Co-op
City of Rutland
Five-Town Health Alliance
Gifford Health Care, Inc.
Health Care & Rehabilitation Services of Southeastern Vermont
Jenna’s Promise
Lawson’s Finest Liquids
Middlebury College
Mount Anthony Middle School
Mt. Mansfield Unified Union School District
NorthCountry Federal Credit Union
Norwich University
Otter Creek Child Center, Inc.
Stantec Consulting Services, Inc
Teknor Apex Vermont Company
The Alchemist
The Heritage Automotive Group
The University of Vermont Health Network Porter Medical Center
Vermont Information Processing
Vermont Law and Graduate School
Vermont Packinghouse LLC
Vermont Smoke and Cure
Windsor Southeast Supervisory Union
Brattleboro Food Co-op
DEW Construction
Rutland City Public Schools
Vernon Advent Christian Home
Washington Electric Cooperative, Inc