Nominate an Outstanding Contributor to Worksite Wellnss

The Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports is seeing nominations for the 2024 Worksite Wellness Outstanding Contributor Award. This award recognizes an individual who has substantially improved the wellness climate, promoted opportunities to particpate in wellbeing activities, and increased access to  wellness resources within their organization. This person fosters wellness in multiple arenas, including physical activity, nutrition, work-life balance, mindfulness, and social connectivity. The workplace culture is enriched by this person’s leadership in wellness, both for individuals and for the organization. This person may, or may not, have “wellness” in their formal title or job description.

To nominate a Vermont wellness professional for the Vermont Workplace Wellness Outstanding Contributor Award, please send a document with the following information. Qualitative or quantitative data are welcomed. Submit nominations to Council member Laura Medalie by email

Deadline is July 20, 2024

Include nominator’s name and contact information.

Include nominee’s name, work title, workplace name, and contact Information.

  1. Please describe how the nominee:

1a. Positively impacts employee wellness within their organization. Describe 2-3 unique or outstanding examples of how the nominee promotes wellness at work for individuals and the impact(s) of their wellness efforts.

1b. Instills an organizational culture of wellness at the worksite. Provide 1-2 examples of how the nominee fosters shared values and attitudes about the importance of wellbeing in the workplace.

1c. Fosters wellness in multiple capacities, such as physical, psychological, and social.

1d. Promotes inclusiveness and engages all colleagues.

  1. Describe skills, talents, or strategies this individual uses to advance this work.
  2. Provide any additional information the Council should consider.

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